A JavaFX Toolkit for Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces

TUIOFX simplifies the development of cross-platform applications for multi-touch, multi-user interactive tabletops and surfaces.

Platform Independent

TUIOFX is built on top of the cross-platform UI Toolkit JavaFX and the TUIO protocol. The TUIO protocol is a platform-independent protocol supported by most tabletop systems (e.g., PQ Labs, Ideum, MultiTaction).

Based on these two platform-indepentent technologies, you get the freedom of choosing the platform you prefer.

Designed for Multi-User Interaction

TUIOFX is designed with multi-user support in mind. While JavaFX offers basic multi-touch support out-of-the-box, touch support in JavaFX was designed for hand-held devices and single users.

TUIOFX liberates JavaFX from these restrictions by providing several enhancements to support the concurrent interaction of multiple users on big displays.

Touch-Enabled Widgets

Today, many computing tasks are achieved with interaction techniques based on traditional desktop widgets. With a set of touch-enabled traditional widgets available, you are well equipped for creating multi-touch user interfaces.

TUIOFX optimises JavaFX widgets for multi-user support and touch on big displays.

Tool Support & Extensibility

TUIOFX works with JavaFX Scene Builder, allowing you to visually edit the layout of your application, or smaller components of your application.

TUIOFX also can be integrated with many libraries that are developed by third parties, like e.g., JFXtras orControlsFX

How to get TUIOFX?

TUIOFX currently is in beta in order to collect feedback from developers on different table and surface hardware. We are happy to get your feedback!

If you are interested in getting the current version, grab the binary of the up-to-date release at our github page!

Download TUIOFX!